Regent University's
Robertson School of Government
hosted Bill Federer on Monday, November 13, 2023
The evening was inundated with the most detailed understanding of Islam that I have heard in my lifetime. It would serve you well to listen closely and intently to this historic timeline of events that shaped Islam into the religious entity it is today, and how that shape-shifting has affected not only the Middle East and Israel, but also the nations around the world, including the United States of America.
I will certainly be revisiting this replay video myself. The first time around (via online) was much like a gorge at an all you can eat buffet (although perhaps not my favorite menu items). The next time around will be a bit more similar to savoring a formal cuisine of delicacies (whether I find them tasteful or not). The meal has been served. Let it nourish us with understanding and strengthen us in Faith.
Bon Appétit!
In addition to the incredibly beautiful and heartwrenching video Michele Bachmann showed at the start of the session with Bill Federer, of The Israeli Opera singing 'Bring Them Home', I would like to post this video of some of Broadway's many artists, in support of Israel and her hostaged and missing children of all ages.
Heavenly Abba, please, oh please ..
bring these most precious ones home.