Click the following link to watch  Dr. Jim Garlow at The National Gathering for Prayer and Repentance 2025, as he honors 65 National Anthems from around the world.


From Dr. Jim Garlow

An analysis of the national anthems of 196 countries revealed that some are prayers, or even a hymn. Many national anthems make some type of reference to God, the need for God, the blessings of God, or to His protection. 


Here are select phrases from 65 national anthems. I selected only those words which referred to the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, or had some reference to Him. In a few cases, the national anthems refer to Jesus. 


As you read these, may this be a call to prayer for the nations. Please treat the reading of this document as an intercessory act whereby we declare over the nations a fulfillment of the very destinies which they themselves chose in these great anthems.




“God of nations, let Thy blessings

Fall upon this land of ours…”



“The Lord has been the people’s guide

For past three hundred years.

With Him still on the people’s side

We have no doubts or fears.”



“This land of ours,

It is the gift of God…”



“O God, we plead and cry to Thee…”



“The entirety of humanity

that groans within chains,

comprehend the words

of He who died on the cross.”



It refers to the country with this phrase:

“O, divinely restored…”



“Dominica, God hath blest thee…

And a people strong and healthy,

Full of godly reverent fear.

May we ever seek to praise Thee

For these gifts so rich and rare.”



“God observed…”



“May God watch over you,

My precious fatherland!

Let Him be your defender

And provide bountiful blessings…”



“O Lord our God, bestower of the blessings of the Swazi;

We give Thee thanks for all our good fortune…

Thy blessings be on all rulers of our Country;

Thine alone is our Lord;

We pray Thee to grant us wisdom without deceit or malice.

Establish and fortify us, Lord Eternal.”



“Blessing grant oh God of nations on the isles of Fiji…

Onward march together, God bless Fiji.

May God bless Fiji forever more!”



“Keep us, great God of nations…”



“Trust in God is our creed…

Blessed by God and holy heaven.”



“God bless our homeland Ghana…

And under God march on for evermore!”



“Ever conscious of God…

God bless our nation.”



“O God, bless the nation of Hungary

With your grace and bounty

Extend over it your guarding arm…”



“Our country's God! Our country's God!

We worship Thy name in its wonder sublime.

The suns of the heavens are set in Thy crown

By Thy legions, the ages of time!

With Thee is each day as a thousand years,

Each thousand of years, but a day…”



“Eternal Father, bless our land

Guard us with Thy mighty hand

Keep us free from evil powers

Be our light through countless hours

To our leaders, Great Defender,

Grant true wisdom from above…

Teach us true respect for all…

Give us vision lest we perish

Knowledge send us, Heavenly Father,

Grant true wisdom from above.”



“O God of all creation

Bless this our land and nation.”



“We beseech You, O God,

To protect and lead us

In the days to come.

Help us with Your loving hand.

Bless our Government

And all our people!”



“God bless Latvia!

Our homeland grand and dear,

O, exalt Latvia,

O, bless it once more!”



“God, please protect Lesotho.

Spare it conflict and tribulation…”



“Long live Liberia, happy land!

A home of glorious liberty,

By God's command!

With God above…

We will o'er all prevail.”



“This beloved homeland

The dear fatherland

God's wise hand has

Chosen for us.”



“O Thou above whose powerful hand

Makes states or lays them low,

Protect this Luxembourger land…”



“Bless, oh Creator,

This island of our ancestors…

We pray that you be blessed,

By the Creator of the universe

who is the foundation of your existence.”



“O God bless our land of Malawi,

Keep it a land of peace.”



“Protect (her), Lord, as always You protected (her):

Remember that her (You) clothed with the sweetest light.

Give, great God, discernment to (those) who rule her…”



“Our Father's wondrous creation;

Bequeathed to us, our motherland…

God of our forefathers protect and bless forever Marshall Islands.”



“May God bless thee

For ever and ever.”



“For in heaven thine eternal destiny

by the finger of God it was written.”



(NOTE: Netherlands has the national anthem with the longest continual usage. It dates back to 1572. It portrays the struggle of the Father of the Nation, William of Orange. As a steward, he was in a high political role, somewhat similar to a Duke in the Netherlands, under the authority of the King of Spain. 


But there is a problem. He has a deep struggle in his heart. This unusual national anthem is not about the Netherlands as a country. Rather, it is about William of Orange, in a conversation, speaking in the first person. He is, in essence, quoting himself. As he speaks about the revolt against the king, he outlines his personal struggle. He is trying to honor the king. However, his conscience won’t allow him to be faithful to an unfaithful king. He feels the struggle of defying the king, in order to be faithful to God, and to the Dutch people. 


William makes a comparison between himself and what the biblical David felt in his struggle regarding the wicked King Saul. David was eventually rewarded for his faithfulness to God. William of Orange prays that he, too, will be rewarded in like manner.) 


“I’ve ever tried to live in

The fear of God’s command

And therefore I’ve been driven,

From people, home, and land,

But God, I trust, will rate me

His willing instrument

And one day reinstate me

Into my government.


A shield and my reliance,

O God, Thou ever wert.

I’ll trust unto Thy guidance.

O leave me not ungirt.

That I may stay a pious

Servant of Thine…”



“O Lord, God, Of all people

Listen to us, Cherish us

May goodness flourish,

May your blessings flow

Defend us…

May all our wrongs, we pray,

Be forgiven…


Let righteousness and honesty prevail

Be standing, be sitting

Among the people of God

Let it never be ashamed,

But rather, let its name be known

Thereby becoming the model to emulate…”



“O God of all creation, grant this our one request:

Help us to build a nation where no man is oppressed,

And so with peace and plenty Nigeria may be blessed.”



“Norwegian man in house and cabin,

thank your great God!

The country he wanted to protect,

although things looked dark.

All the fights fathers have fought,

and the mothers have wept,

the Lord has quietly eased…”



“God bless our country, our island home always…”



“O arise all you sons of this land,

Let us sing of our joy to be free,

Praising God and rejoicing to be

Papua New Guinea…

Now give thanks to the good Lord above

For His kindness, His wisdom and love…”



“May we all renew the great oath

That we rendered to the God of Jacob,

the God of Jacob...”



“O Priests, rise thy cross holy, for this army is Christian, our motto is liberty blessed with sacred mission.”



“This native land protected by God!”



“Invaluable heritage, that God protects to you…”



“With God in all our struggles…

No sword nor spear can conquer,

For God will sure defend.

His blessings shall forever,

To posterity extend.”



“May the good Lord bless our island,

guard her sons from woe and harm…”



“What e'er the future brings,

Our faith will see us through.

May peace reign from shore to shore,

And God bless and keep us true.”



“Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown! 

Look at those stars that are waving on it:

This is the symbol of Jesus, who died on it for Samoa.

Oh, Samoa, hold fast your power forever.

Do not be afraid; God is our foundation, our freedom.”



“God of Justice; Thou who saved us

when in deepest bondage cast…

Be our help as in the past.

With Thy mighty hand sustain us…

God, our hope; protect and cherish…

God, our Master! Guide and prosper,

Serbian lands and Serbian race!”



“We give thanks to God.”



“God's blessing on all nations…”



“God Save our Solomon Islands from shore to shore

Blessed all our people and all our lands

With your protecting hands.”



“God bless Africa…

Hear our prayers

Lord bless us, as your children.

Lord we ask You to protect our nation,

End all conflicts and troubles.

Protect us, protect our nation…”



“God watches us, our Korea…”



“Oh God

We praise and glorify You

For Your grace on South Sudan…

Oh God, bless South Sudan!”



“God be with our Suriname

May He elevate our lovely land…

God is our leader.”



“Pray, free Swiss, pray,

Your pious soul suspects...

God in the noble fatherland!

God the Lord in the noble fatherland!”



“God bless Africa

Bless its leaders

Wisdom, unity and peace…

Bless Africa, Bless Africa

Bless us, the children of Africa

God bless Tanzania…

God bless Tanzania and its people

Bless Tanzania, Bless Tanzania

Bless us, the children of Tanzania.”



“God almighty, You alone have exalted us…”



“Oh almighty God above

Thou art our lord and sure defense

As your people, we trust thee

And our Tonga thou dost love

Hear our prayer for thou unseen

We know that thou hast blessed our land

Grant our earnest supplication.”



“And may God bless our nation.”



“Tuvalu for the Almighty

Are the words we hold most dear…

In the knowledge that God

Ever rules in heav’n above,

And that we in this land

Are united in His love.

We build on a sure foundation

When we trust in God’s great law

‘Tuvalu for the Almighty’

Be our song for evermore!


Let us trust our lives henceforward

To the King to whom we pray,

With our eyes fixed firmly on Him

He is showing us the way.


‘May we reign with Him in glory’

Be our song for evermore,

for His almighty power

Is our strength from shore to shore.


Shout aloud in jubilation

To the King whom we adore.

‘Tuvalu free and united’

Be our song for evermore!”



“Oh, Uganda! May God uphold thee,

We lay our future in thy hand…”



“God save our gracious King!...

God save the King!” (repeats two more times)



“God has given us this land,

We are grateful for this…

God helps us in our work,

He is Our Father!”



“The Supreme Author” (referred to twice)



“Africa is our own motherland,

Fashion'd with and blessed by God's good hand…

Praise be to God,

Praise be, praise be, praise be

Bless our great nation…”



“O God, bless the land of Zimbabwe…”


Jim Garlow ©2025

(Note: This article may be used, quoted and published so long as proper attribution is made: by Dr. Jim Garlow of Well Versed, A European only version of this is available as well.)



Thank you, Dr. Garlow!  These words usher in joy and thanksgiving during this incredibly hopeful moment in our world.  To visualize millions of people coming together under each nation's flag, voices raised towards the heavens as one unit in honor and praise to the LORD of all of creation, brings thoughts and mental images of that Day when we will all gather together to honor and worship our Messiah King, Yeshua Jesus!  How exciting is this!  Thank you for sharing these priceless treasures with all of us!

May we return to our first LOVE over and over again in prayer, until we see Him, finally --

face to Face!

What a Day!!!


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