I Pray for YOU!

Televisions, radios, smart phones, computers and other tech devices are documenting an upset to the normal routines of life all over the world.  In the past few months, governments swollen with a sudden sense of authoritarian rule, are lording over its people with fearmongering  in what appears to be record speed.  Masks, scarves and bandanas now cover the faces that just weeks earlier bore beautifully content smiles.  Loving hugs and handshakes are now replaced by floor markers separating flesh from flesh.  Robotic beings who only days ago gathered together for worship, meals, fellowship and sports, now push grocery carts in silence, fear stricken of the faces who have chosen to lose the mask and bare the fearless smile.  Government buildings and streets bear the weight of the tired and poor, huddled masses yearning to be freed from the chains of a sudden mandate of reclusion, signs raised and guns loaded.  Mom and Pop businesses that were finally showing a growth in profit, now a ghost town of  "CLOSED" signs.   The earth stood quiet, still, solemn and death-like.  Life, as it had known, had suddenly changed..and for what?  A flu virus?  Really?5034539654?profile=RESIZE_400x

 For the soul reading this, I pray the peace that only the Son of God can give.  In Him alone is Life, and in no other.  I pray for YOU!  I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be opened and you know with full confidence how very much your Heavenly Father loves you.  I pray that you are filled with so much hope that you overflow in gracious thanksgiving for every breath and every precious moment you have been given to share that hope with another.  I pray that the Love of Christ will sustain you throughout your days, and that you will bow only to the One True God and no other.  I pray that no matter what you see, hear, or experience, you will see the hand of YHWH God in it all.  He will neither leave you nor forsake you. He is as near to you as breath.  Call to Him.  Go to Him.  He will never turn away a heart that calls out to Him in sincerity.  He looks on the heart, while man sees the outward appearance.  Our rags are indeed  filthy, stinking rotten filthy, but He can wash us as white as snow.  This world and everything in it is but a vapor.  In Christ alone is eternal life.  You do not have to live in fear, when you rest in His Peace.  He is the Prince of Peace.  The peace that this world offers is a lie.  I love you.  Rest in Jesus/Yeshua.  Maranatha


*The Silent Chair image copyright of Hope - of Hope's Hollow*

in partnership with Anchored4Christ


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