If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14
"If "
one of the most powerful words in the english language.
'If ' I do this, then...
'If ' I say this, then...
'If ' I think this, then...
The same goes for 'If ' I do not do, say, think...
We really are captives to the word
'If '
Look at the state of affairs and condition this entire world has fallen into. It takes mere moments to understand that we have plunged into a dark hole with no end in site.
But wait--have we condemned ourselves to doom?
The scripture speaks clearly to all of us that we have a way out. All is not lost.
The Appalacian Trail is long, beautiful, treacherous, consoling, and peaceful at the same time. If you were to decide to hike its many mountains and valleys, sit in its meadows and stretch out on its huge bolders for rest, you could, at any clear-headed moment, look out into this vast wilderness and feel a sense of lostness among such beauty. The bread trail you thought to leave behind you would have long been consumed by the miriads of creatures treking their own paths on this fantastic panoramic picture before and behind you. You were so excited to begin this journey that you did not think to bring colored ribbons or noticable markers to help you find your way around and through and out of this wonderous adventure. A sudden feeling of sick despair and fear would overtake you, and you would begin to feel as lost as a lamb that has wandered away from its flock.
And then you remembered...
You remember that the AT has been well marked with the trail insignia. You reach into your backpack and find the map you picked up at the ranger's station where you officially signed up as a hiker, were given a tag to attach to your backpack that contained crucial information and wise instruction, and you paid a visit to the 'sign-in' registers along the path.
'If '
Can you even begin to imagine how you would be feeling 'if ' there were no trail markers? What 'if ' you had decided to cut corners and just hit the trail without doing all of the above? No one would know you were even there. Perhaps you had decided not to tell anyone you were going hiking.
You would be 'loster' than lost.
'If '
You see, we have been given a merciful gift by the awesome creator of our beautiful planet. We have made devastating choices in our lives, both individually and corporately. We have blatently ignored His commands and instructions which He laid out for us in the beginning. We have chosen the path that is leading us to total ruin. Our nations are sick with iniquity, ravaged in the filth of pornography, sexual deviancy, gender confusion and rebellion, child sex trafficking, barbaric murder of babies in the womb, fearmongering, whoremongering, murderous and torturous acts against followers of Christ, lying, thieving, killing, injustice and deception. Our innocent children are being brainwashed to accept every idea and thought that the non-elected governance of this world has decided is truth for them, leaving their parents in the dark and fighting for their God given rights to parent their children. But our YHWH (Eternal Merciful One) has told us that He will hear our cries for help and heal our nations 'if ' we will acknowledge our great sins before Him, in true repentance, understanding the repercutions 'if ' we do not. 'If ' we will return (teshuvah) to Him, putting away everything abhoring to Him and to us, seeking His face alone (not putting our salvation into the hands of a human leader, dictator or president), then and only then will He forgive us and heal our nation and the nations of people around the world.
Then and ONLY then.
The time is NOW.
Are you all in?
'If '
Photos compliments of Pixabay and flickr