Several years ago, I had the honor of sharing in the lives of some very special children in a densely populated area of a large southern city. Primarily poor minority communities shaped these secluded ghettos shrouded by interstates and skyrise structures. Tiny deteriorating wood framed houses and brick duplexes occupied almost every foot of city plot. Young men and women clustered together in small groups on empty lots and behind overfilled trash bins--while dilapidated porches and crumbling sidewalks bore the weight of old men with flyswatters and old women with hand held fans. Voices of young boys with tattered footballs and little girls skipping rope camouflaged the stench of despair that seemed to fill the decaying human backdrop. Bareboned canines scavenged for food. Sickly kittens nursed on the necks of children, while green bottle flies swarmed their bowls of stinking clabbered milk.
Anyone who sets himself up as “religious” by playing a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kind that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world.
James 1: 26-27 The Message (MSG)
Oh, To Smell God's Shirt
“I smells a camel! And he sho do stink!”
“I feels the suitcases on the camels back and they feels like Mama’s shoes.”
“I feels the sands in my socks and they’s hot.”
“I hear Abraham tellin’ stories about God to his children.”
“I sees lots and lots'o sands, and a snake runnin’ from the camels.”
“I taste the wind and it taste like salt in it.”
Brandi took a deep, full breath of air and with eyes still closed and her little heart full of imaginings, she stated:
“Uh huh, Mitt Dahling, it sho do’s”.
She continued to smile.
The “Purdy”