He was the cutest little five year old guy since Casper the Friendly Ghost. Shy of 35 inches in height and sporting brown leather pointy-toed cowboy boots, he made up lost height with his bold and vibrant personality. If a question needed asking, he was going to get the job done.
"Mitt Dahling, Wat cuhluh idth Jeethuth?"
I had just finished placing the last painted and glittering pinecone turkey on the windowsill of the small church recreation room to dry. We had Parent Appreciation Day coming up the following week; we had all voted to showcase the children's art achievements.
I felt my eyelids rise in sync with the already risen brow as my heart began to thump a little bit harder and faster. Oh dear, I really needed help with this one!
Turning around, there he stood. Big brown eyes staring up into my face, cowboy boots playing a rhythmic clackety clack on the hard tile floor, he continued:
"Mamma saydth Jeethuth idth wite."
Staring into the beautiful chocolate complexion of this special little guy, my heart melted.
"Lord, help me answer his question, as you might", my spirit silently prayed.
No sooner had I asked, a sudden burst of sunlight entered one of the windows of our classroom. The rays blended into one sharp point of light, striking a small bronze vase sitting on the windowsill and illuminating it in brilliant color. Pointing to the vase, I responded.
"What colors do you see reflecting from the sun's rays on this little bronze vase?"
He stood on a chair and put his little face up to the vase, almost touching it with his nose.
"I sees wello, wed, owenge, bwown 'n wite, Mitt Dahling; 'n I sees a wittle bit bwue too!"
"All those colors you see in this bronze vase, those are the colors of Jesus. Jesus has all colors in him. And Jesus has the color of Light in him. And that is the pretty blue-white light you see. Because Jesus is the Light of the world!"
"Jeethuth idth all dem cuhluhs, Mitt Dahling?"
"Yep...he sure is!"
That afternoon, when his mama came to pick him up, I could hear his little boots skipping down the sidewalk as he excitedly proclaimed:
"Mamma! Jeethuth idth brownzth Mamma! He haths all duh culluhs of uths in him.
Jeethuth idth duh wite ubv duh worle!
'n Jeethuth idth brownzth!!!"
Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned,
and revealed them to little children.
*Light Of The World* image copyright of Hope - of Hope's Hollow in partnership with