anchored4christ (9)

Urgent Prayers with Action for Armenia!



Please watch this urgent WPN (World Prayer Network) call to prayer on behalf of the nation of Armenia.

A dark shadow of silence is suffocating the very life from her, and very few are even aware or taking notice of her genocide.

click the link below:


World Prayer Network Prayer Call 321


Our tears are not enough.

We must act, and act quickly.


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National Day of Prayer Washington DC 2024

 Jim Garlow and Tony Perkins hosted the 2024 National Day of Prayer Washington DC.  Jonathan Cahn delivered a powerful prophetic message in front of Members of Congress and leaders of nations, based on his book: 

The Return of the Gods 


We must pray, every one of us, for our nation and its leaders, nations around the world and their leaders, and ourselves, families, and communities.  

We must pray for the awakening of the body of Christ all over the world. 

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Not My Will

The first month of 2024 is now at a close.  How very difficult it was for me to decree the  traditional "Happy New Year" in light of the tremendous suffering Israeli Jews, and followers of  Christ living in the Gaza territory, have endured since October 7, 2023.  But I have heard, and believe it to be true, that history repeats itself; it has to, nobody listens. 

Today, we stand on the precipice of a nuclear war.  How did this happen?  Is it truly a war of the nations or a planned scheme to herd

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Who Can Know The Mind of God?


 Wbo has known the mind of God?

Has breath itself known Him?

How is it that the winds and the waters obey Him?

Must one sit at desks of wood and steel, surrounded by carefully framed and positioned certificates and miriads of dusty shelved books (positioning them as officially recognized and accomplished authorities on the mind and will of God) to bare the watermarked seal of God on the walls of their hearts, and upon their lives?

From the delicate wings of t

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 I have been thinking alot about this time of year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah celebrations and what they stand for - and my soul aches.  My soul aches for those hostages of Hamas, children and adults, stolen from their families and homes, unable to join in celebrations of tradition, heritage and feasts. I try to imagine what they are thinking, wherever their precious bodies sit or lie to rest (if they can rest at all).  I ponder the images flashing before their minds as they relive each

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Regent University's

Robertson School of Government

hosted Bill Federer on Monday, November 13, 2023

The evening was inundated with the most detailed understanding of Islam that I have heard in my lifetime.  It would serve you well to listen closely and intently to this  historic timeline of events that shaped Islam into the religious entity it is today, and how that shape-shifting has affected not only the Middle East and Israel, but also the nations around the world, including the United States o

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Jeremiah's Song


Jeremiah's Song


Some call me the weeping prophet

Others say that I am cursed

For tearing down false prophet's lies

I would be cast off

But don't they know I love my Judah

It's for her I weep and cry

while she sacrifices her children 

before a lifeless idol's eyes 


It's true I weep

It's true I cry

A lifetime of pain floods my eyes

But it's not for me you see me weep

but for a world's wicked heart 

and the God who sees


I'd shout His message of repentance

as I would speak His holy words

Yet none would choose

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The Call of my Beloved


The Call of my Beloved


Come away with Me, My beloved!

Come away, My treasured pearl.

There are trees that need your climbing feet;

while mountains greet your footprints sweet upon uncharted soil.

Behold the sun-kissed shores of seascape’s edge

who more than once do softly beg

the touch of tender flesh beneath its glistening sands.

Come away with Me, My beloved  

Oh come, My lovely child.   

Silence pleads unspoken face.

Quiet sings of pardoned grace.

Climb the heig

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It can get rather confusing (to say the least), this idea that I must love the neighbor who throws shoes or pots my way, or towards my ideals, faith in Jesus, moral convictions, biblical world view, constitutional rights amd priviledges and etc. On the contrary, a shoe or pot would be a kinder item to hurl than insult or slander.  At least the bruise, bump or cut would certainly heal faster, but then there is the issue of scars, which I will choose to respond as Pooh might:

"Oh bother"

So, we must

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