christian (5)

Who Am I?


Everything is summed up in these three books.  Everything.  That is not to say that we close the cover to the rest of the writings of the Book that has shown us the path of/to Life, as if we can just check off or strike through one of our Bucket List bullets.  Rather, we should hunger to know, with salivating soul pangs, everything we can know about the One responsible for the words written in this book referred to as The Scriptures, The Holy Bible, The Word of God, The Bible.  Just as so many

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Greatest Test of Faith

Greatest Test of Faith

9087226653?profile=RESIZE_400xCome closer My son

Cloak to cloak I will bear you up

I speak

You listen




Remember the stars My son
There your seed is numbered
Lie closer my son
Cloak to cloak He will bear us up
He spoke
I heard
I trust
I will obey
Set your eyes unto the stars my son
There you are numbered
Arise my son
He has borne us up!
Amongst the thorns
He has provided a Ram
Amongst my seed
He has provided the Lamb

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Galatian's, in the scripture, said of Abraham:

"He t

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It can get rather confusing (to say the least), this idea that I must love the neighbor who throws shoes or pots my way, or towards my ideals, faith in Jesus, moral convictions, biblical world view, constitutional rights amd priviledges and etc. On the contrary, a shoe or pot would be a kinder item to hurl than insult or slander.  At least the bruise, bump or cut would certainly heal faster, but then there is the issue of scars, which I will choose to respond as Pooh might:

"Oh bother"

So, we must

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Several years ago, I had the honor of sharing in the lives of some very special children in a densely populated area of a large southern city. Primarily poor minority communities shaped these secluded ghettos shrouded by interstates and skyrise structures. Tiny deteriorating wood framed houses and brick duplexes occupied almost every foot of city plot. Young men and women clustered together in small groups on empty lots and behind overfilled trash bins--while dilapidated porches and crumbling si

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Did I Really Say That?

4363444478?profile=RESIZE_192XAn internationally renowned men's gospel music group had come to my small town.

I was barely 15 at the time and making adjustments in my newest foster home.

There was going to be a special afternoon luncheon with the group, and
 I was invited!

Huge buses with professional logos took up most of the space in the host home driveway. Wow! I had never seen such massive vehicles. I could only imagine what lie just beyond those secretive and guarded bus doors. I envisioned colourful costumes studded in cr
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