hope (5)

The Greatest Gift of Christmas!


All over the world, people are celebrating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Did you listen to that sweet song I posted above?  Did you gasp at the words written,  and possibly feel or think it to be inappropriate for this season of celebrating the world's gift of Jesus the Messiah?  Did the lyrics expressing first date and the "I do" marriage vow throw you for a loop? Did you wonder why I chose such an odd moment to post this lovely homage to parents who h

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I Pray for YOU!

Televisions, radios, smart phones, computers and other tech devices are documenting an upset to the normal routines of life all over the world.  In the past few months, governments swollen with a sudden sense of authoritarian rule, are lording over its people with fearmongering  in what appears to be record speed.  Masks, scarves and bandanas now cover the faces that just weeks earlier bore beautifully content smiles.  Loving hugs and handshakes are now replaced by floor markers separating flesh

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The Lone Goose


September 2, 2012

A lone goose calls out from the foggy dawn of the small lake this morning.  There is a pale eeriness to its desperate plea for response.  With each pause, silence is returned.   A few feet away, Autumn Trail preens his iridescent and white feathers.  An unusually handsome Muscovy Duck, Autumn Trail has found company with the lone Canada Goose.


Canada Geese have been abundant this summer, and from these bounteous beings spring the cutest little tutu tailed goslings.  Week by w

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Faith's Hope Is Love


I'm holding to hope,      

and hope has a name,

it isn't Mary or Thomas or David or Jane,

Seymore or Thadius or sweet Betty Sue,

Penelope, Woody, Clarissa Magoo.

Hope is the knowing felt deep in your heart,

when the odds are against you and you grope in the dark.

And you can't see the forest for towering trees,

And  you fall over obstacles, skinning both knees.

Hope is the offspring of Faith, Noah's dove.

Her Father is Grace.

So that makes her - Love.


I penned these simple child-like words in 1999 fol

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