hope's blog (3)

The Greatest Gift of Christmas!


All over the world, people are celebrating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Did you listen to that sweet song I posted above?  Did you gasp at the words written,  and possibly feel or think it to be inappropriate for this season of celebrating the world's gift of Jesus the Messiah?  Did the lyrics expressing first date and the "I do" marriage vow throw you for a loop? Did you wonder why I chose such an odd moment to post this lovely homage to parents who h

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A day of thanksgiving for the mercies that our YHWH Elohim has shown our nation. We absolutely do not deserve this opportunity to have been given even one more breath, as a nation, considering the millions of unborn and sex trafficked children whose precious blood is on our hands.

We have awakened to our near demise as a nation, understanding that this day could have begun much differently - in great sorrow and whimpering for Your chastening rod.

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Jeremiah's Song


Jeremiah's Song


Some call me the weeping prophet

Others say that I am cursed

For tearing down false prophet's lies

I would be cast off

But don't they know I love my Judah

It's for her I weep and cry

while she sacrifices her children 

before a lifeless idol's eyes 


It's true I weep

It's true I cry

A lifetime of pain floods my eyes

But it's not for me you see me weep

but for a world's wicked heart 

and the God who sees


I'd shout His message of repentance

as I would speak His holy words

Yet none would choose

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