hope's hollow-anchored4christ (2)

Urgent Prayers with Action for Armenia!



Please watch this urgent WPN (World Prayer Network) call to prayer on behalf of the nation of Armenia.

A dark shadow of silence is suffocating the very life from her, and very few are even aware or taking notice of her genocide.

click the link below:


World Prayer Network Prayer Call 321



Our tears are not enough.

We must act, and act quickly.


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It can get rather confusing (to say the least), this idea that I must love the neighbor who throws shoes or pots my way, or towards my ideals, faith in Jesus, moral convictions, biblical world view, constitutional rights amd priviledges and etc. On the contrary, a shoe or pot would be a kinder item to hurl than insult or slander.Β  At least the bruise, bump or cut would certainly heal faster, but then there is the issue of scars, which I will choose to respond as Pooh might:

"Oh bother"

So, we must

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