michele bachmann (3)


 I have been thinking alot about this time of year, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah celebrations and what they stand for - and my soul aches.  My soul aches for those hostages of Hamas, children and adults, stolen from their families and homes, unable to join in celebrations of tradition, heritage and feasts. I try to imagine what they are thinking, wherever their precious bodies sit or lie to rest (if they can rest at all).  I ponder the images flashing before their minds as they relive each

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Regent University's

Robertson School of Government

hosted Bill Federer on Monday, November 13, 2023

The evening was inundated with the most detailed understanding of Islam that I have heard in my lifetime.  It would serve you well to listen closely and intently to this  historic timeline of events that shaped Islam into the religious entity it is today, and how that shape-shifting has affected not only the Middle East and Israel, but also the nations around the world, including the United States o

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** UPDATE** 

The 2023 '40 Days of Teshuvah' call to Prayer and Fasting has been fulfilled.  What a beautiful time this was for 3100 or more intercessors, called in spirit and truth to link vocal and virtual arms in prayer on behalf of our personal need of repentance, and repentance of nations around the world.  There was a consistent and specific time of prayer on behalf of YHWH's covenant nation, Israel - and what timing! 

We have all read or watched the heartbreaking news and videos of horrific

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