Onward Christian Soldiers! To Life!!

Today I present my blemished heart before the Sovereign of sovereigns and stand before Him, fully aware that in my own strength, I am unable to war against the enemy of this world who is called the satan (devil). Not only is he a master of darkness, but he also presents to us camouflaged as light. But I have been given a greater camouflage; I have been given a dazzling yet pummeled suit of armour from my God, that deflects the blinding false light of the satan back into his own eyes, obstructing his evil intent, causing him to wage a defeated war against himself. Donned in this indestructible armour of my King, I can wage war against the evil one through the most effective means of battle preparedness - PRAYER. It is here that I find my strength, power, motivation and courage to face the evil days ahead of me. It is here that I stand in watch and in readiness. His armour will never rust, deteriorate, dull, soften or fail. His armour will withstand all of the trickery of the enemy and all of his fiery darts, and all I have to do is STAND. But I must also prepare my spirit through the right understanding of His Word, grounded in Truth and steadied in understanding.  I have the Spirit of Truth to guide me in all understanding as I search the scripture and listen for His directives. Will I get it right every time? Not on my own. But if I STAY in Him, I will become tethered to Him who IS all Truth.


And so today I pray for all of my fellow armoured warriors. I intercede on behalf of each one of you reading these words, confident that He who began the good work in you, will complete it. And one day soon, we will all lay that armour down before our King, never ever having to pick it up again. NEVER! Until then, armour up dear children of the King. The battle is raging, swelling with the madness of an incensed adversarial host. I can see the multitudes of iron clad warriors in the distance, swords wielded and shields raised. Onward Christian soldiers! To LIFE!!  ~ 🦋Hope

 Photo compliments of: Pixabay and congerdesign

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