The frost-free refrigerator freezer had a ¼ inch layer of frost covering the back panel of the freezer section. Water dropped from inside one corner of the open freezer door, splashing against my foot as it fell to the floor beneath it. I stood dumbfounded, gazing into the open freezer where frozen foods were now beginning to thaw. Feeling broadsided once again, I closed the freezer door. Plopping down onto the kitchen stool I heard myself helplessly utter: “Do you think I could get a break?”
It had been one situation after another since I had purchased this small home. There was the evening that the water level timer on the washing machine malfunctioned, sending gallons of water throughout the home, and sending me racing about attempting to rescue damageable possessions. And who could forget the broken water line and the miniscule hole in the ice maker tubing that unknowingly and subtly flooded the area beneath the kitchen sink. As if that wasn’t enough, the ceiling was leaking from an old tree injury during a former hurricane, while the new central air cooling unit wires had shorted and burned out just in time to welcome a forecasted heat wave. It had taken days to remove the old musty green vintage carpet that spilled over from my bedroom into the hallway. It is the memory of the nasty, sticky and crumbling spongy carpet padding I had to scrape from the floor, inch by back aching inch, that remains embedded amongst my exhausted neurons. Sound like a page from the Ziggy comic strips?
And so, I made my way to the World Wide Web. Surely someone in the world has experienced a frozen frost-free frig? I typed into my search engine:
“Help, my frost-free refrigerator freezer is frozen!"
I was introduced to forum after forum of misfortunate "frugal frozen frig" (say that really fast three times) victims like myself, each sharing their momentous expertise. I finally settled with a refrigerant expert’s advise to remove perishable items, cover the floor with towels, turn off and unplug the frig freezer, prop open the doors and let the refrigerator stand for 24-48 hours until completely thawed. After thawing, I would plug it back in, turn it on and see what happens. With a bit of luck (which I apparently lack) the problem would simply be the high humidity of these record breaking summer temperatures. Otherwise, I would need to call in an expert (unless I wanted to experience a catastrophic injury or early death). Sounded like good advice to me.
I decided to speed the process and spare my already deteriorating kitchen floor of the excess water that was sure to spill out from the drip pan while I was not in attendance. With instruction from my new expert web acquaintance, I degutted the interior of my freezer, including the ice maker, and began thawing the now exposed frozen elements with a hair dryer. And of course, there was the continual sopping up of water from the drain pan to prevent spillover. Within a few hours, the job was completed. Freezer guts replaced and drip pan clean and dry, I plugged the refrigerator back in and set the temp to normal. I had done my part; now it was up to the refrigerator.
Three hours later, the freezer was cold and a few ice cubes had formed and dispensed into the ice cube pan.
My friend had returned from her afternoon walk, dropping by with some words of encouragement.
“I said a prayer for your refrigerator”.
I thanked her for her support and shared the hopeful news. The next morning a nice supply of ice cubes rested in the pan. The freezer and refrigerator were at normal temperature and I could see no frost inside the freezer.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation of extreme low body temperature? In other words, do you know what it feels like to freeze? I experienced near frostbite while on a contracted job assignment in the Wild West several years ago. It was the worst winter for that area of the country in seven years. After days of feeling captive to my tiny motel room, cabin fever finally set in. The craving for fresh air and freedom hung over my countenance like the icicles hanging from the eaves of that small inn. So, donning my warmest coat, cap and gloves, I headed out into the frigid temperatures. After about 15 minutes into the less than thought out stroll, I wasn’t feeling all that cold anymore. I passed a man shoveling snow in his drive. On his front porch a black and white cat eagerly struggled to push open the door. We waved to each other as I attempted to say:
“Your cat sure wants in the house awfully bad."
However, what came out of my mouth sounded more like:
“Yuh ca su aunts eh duh how awhly ad."
“Are you that lady from the South? You need to get inside before your brain freezes”.
With a nod and half frozen smile, I hurriedly returned to my motel room. Pushing open the door, a gush of warm air from inside the room hit my face and I immediately felt dizzy. I sat down on the bed. Looking up at the ceiling, the room appeared to be spinning and my nose felt as if it was growing away from my face; perhaps like Pinocchio might have felt during a moment of deceit. Okay, time to call ER. In my half-wit state, I pulled the phone to my side and dialed. The ER doctor was called to the phone. After a series of questions, it was determined that I would survive my ordeal and that I was not to take any more strolls into the -0° temps.
Not so unlike that frozen freezer or freezing flesh, there are times in our lives when we might look or feel as if everything is fine from the outside; but deep within us the frigid temps of life are freezing us solid. We might not even be aware of our state of being at the moment, due to our benumbed status. Little by little we glaciate under the chill of the bitter cold. But we don’t have to harden into an ice sculpture. We don’t have to spend our precious days frozen and fearful. There is a still, sometimes faint but steady voice that calls to us from the inside of our frozen soul. It calls to all of us, amidst the noise and distractions. It is no respecter of persons. It calls us to open ourselves up, to expose our frozen guts. It bids us purge ourselves of the rotting flesh of a thawing watery grave. Its radiance and warmth penetrates our core and melts our hardest of hearts. And as we begin to diffuse into its compassionate glow, we become renewed in its life giving condensation.
That voice is the Spirit of Truth. If we listen and heed the Spirit’s call to “Come forth!” from our frozen death, we find our souls ablaze in the afterglow of His Light.
We don’t have to run to the World Wide Web for our help and salvation. We just need to turn to the Spirit of Truth. He will neither deceive us nor bring us harm. He will instruct us in the ways we are to journey. And in His Light we will remain--frost FREE!
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.
John 16:13 NIV
So if the Son sets you free, you will be absolutely free.
John 8:36 God’s Word Translation
*Frozen Solace* image copyright of Hope - of Hope's Hollow in partnership with