The Greatest Gift of Christmas!


All over the world, people are celebrating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Did you listen to that sweet song I posted above?  Did you gasp at the words written,  and possibly feel or think it to be inappropriate for this season of celebrating the world's gift of Jesus the Messiah?  Did the lyrics expressing first date and the "I do" marriage vow throw you for a loop? Did you wonder why I chose such an odd moment to post this lovely homage to parents who have become separated from children through death? 

Well, to be honest, it kinda did me, at first, but as I began pondering the lyrics, I started seeing things in a different light.  The traditional thoughts of Christmas songs, cards, gifting, carols, lighted trees and decorations diminished from my momentary ponderings. In its place, I began to wonder on the realistic moments of the short life of Jesus/Yeshua when He entered our World of flesh and ash.  I envisioned His every breath, His loving parental embraces and kisses, His play time with family and friends, and even perhaps His interactions with animals.  Did He have a dog or cat that He loved dearly, and laid to rest when time came?

One day I will know all of this and much more, because I love the personableness that connects hearts and family and friends.  And I love Yeshua, Jesus the Christ.  I truly love Him, and so look forward to knowing Him, as I have been known by Him.

This is Jesus, the One we hold our traditional celebrations for, once a year. 

He is Christmas.  He is REAL.

Jesus of Nazareth, the Only beloved Son of God.  His coming had been prophesied hundreds, if not thousands of years prior to His arrival.

Jesus, the baby, the newborn,

  Jesus, the toddler, learning to walk in His newly acquired flesh.

Did His earthly father build Him a swing, and push Him gently into the air as He giggled and laughed?  Did He chase butterflies flittering around mamma's pot of flowering herbs and wildflowers?  

Jesus, the little 7 year old boy helping His servant daddy in his carpenter's shop, splinters of fragrant wood shavings falling from His tiny soft fingers, and curling up in piles around His bare little feet.  

Jesus, the 12 year old child,  surrounded by rabbi's, Sadducees, Pharisees, scholars and the common man in search of Truth -  sitting humbly on the temple steps as wisdom, with understanding, poured from His small lips like water from a life-giving well.

Jesus, the living, breathing Son of the One who is Spirit and Truth - the One spoken of in the scripture Who dwells in unapproachable Light!  

Jesus, who clearly stated that EVERYTHING He spoke and EVERYTHING He did, He heard His Father speak and do.

No more and no less.

Jesus, born into a broken world, amongst broken and wounded flesh, so that He could reveal to this brokenness, the One True God of all of heaven and earth, in every word He spoke, and every single thing He did. 

God, YHWH Elohim, showed us His face when He gave us His Son who carried His DNA, revealing His person through His gift of Love.

We saw Him then, and we still see Him, when we unveil our shadowed eyes, and truly look upon Him.

Wise ones still seek and see Him.  Are YOU one of the wise?  Am I?  Is it enough that we really, really SEE Him?

Immanuel, God with us.

He is enough!

The greatest gift of Christmas!

Merry Christmas!


Now, go listen again, and this time, SEE what I saw - - this ⬇️



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