What an amazing first 16 days into the new United States presidential administration! It almost feels like a dream that I refuse to awaken from. After the past four years of lies, deception, evil, destruction and great anxiety, my heart is finally finding peace and rest. I bet you feel much the same, if you have indeed taken seriously the threat we faced of losing our nation and everything hopeful and true it stands for.
Just today, President Trump participated in two National Day of Prayer gatherings, where he delivered more words of hope to our nation and our extended Christian family. Then, surrounded by little girl children and women of all ages, he signed an executive order to keep men out of women's sporting events, including their locker rooms, shower stalls, bathrooms and hotel rooms. Honestly, just writing these words, knowing this nightmare has happened in this nation and world the past several years, horrifies and angers me. Never would I have imagined such evil forced upon our beautiful children and young women. God help us if we ever turn back to this nonsense.
As I write, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is with our President, discussing, planning and working together to secure Israel's long-term future as a nation. I give thanks to YHWH Elohim for using our new administration to carry out His plans for His covenant People, as we prepare for the coming reign of Messiah Yeshua!
To help us understand what Israel faces today, Michele Bachmann has given us some really good insights into Israel's current situation, and what we can and must do to support her.
You can find this Prayer Call #418 on the following:
WPN (World Prayer Network) listed on our (anchored4christ) home page, or go directly to the following link:
(You can also download the free Well Versed app from your android or apple store)
Click the link
Michele is trustworthy and very easy to listen to.
She is my one-stop-shop for all things Israel/governmental. I don't know how she does it, but that little soul retains more information on governmental issues than the whole of the legacy media outlets.
(And hers is true!)
We've only just begun .. so stay focused, awake, and in prayer.
And be glad for a change!