Yes, Melissa ...


In response to the investigation of Ravi Zacharias8565648693?profile=RESIZE_180x180The investigation, aside from personal texts and photos, could have concluded in a disputed discourse against a man who cannot defend himself because he is dead. However, has undisputed evidence been uncovered through texts, cell phone photos and emails? As disheartening as this information is, is the evidence of truth out?

Now we must ask ourselves what we, who loved and respected Ravi, do with the hours of ponderings and reasonings we were driven to by way of a word or thought or challenge Ravi left us with, if indeed these allegations, investigations and findings truly are accurate.

We cannot beat our own brow because we sat under a teacher, a disciple (as we saw him); we have been instructed to gather, to reason together in truth.

So what do we do?

Just because we listen and engage in thoughts of truth of Christ with man, does that mean we worship man? I would say "no". We must look at this situation in light of how very easy it is for a soul clothed in flesh to falter. We must examine and challenge our own souls, in light of the Light of the world. We must see Ravi in all of us and ponder this question that Jesus asked Peter:

"Do you love me?"


Then we must choose. If we love Him, we feed His sheep. And we "stay" in Him (Luke 9). We have to fight to "stay" in Him, to "keep" following Him. We must fight our flesh and cleave to Him. If we don't, we too will falter and fumble and stumble, and end up a ragged mess. Our righteousness is as filthy rotten rags before our God, but we have been commanded to "stay" in Him who has been given the authority to both cleanse and judge.

Whatever choice YOU are confronted with that opposes Light, run away as fast as you can, and


ย  It is a trap, this hideous darkness that nibbles away at our humanness. Run as if your life depends on it.


Because it DOES depend on it.

Ravi's words held and still hold truth. We won't despise him.ย We have no idea what was flooding his mind, his heart, the day he left this flesh. We leave all judgment to Christ, whom God has placed judgment upon and who will also judge all of us.

So what do we do?

We will learn from Ravi's life, his choices, and move forward on the path to the

Straight Gate.

Truth is still Truth, regardless of the frame that expresses it, be it a donkey or a prophet.

We will all stand alone on that great day of judgment, soulfully naked, either ashamed or unashamed.

Did we love Him?

Did we "stay" in Him?

The rest is up to Him.

Yes, Melissa. I will pray for the hurting souls. I will grieve with them.

And I will keep running MY race.

I will take up My cross daily, fight this soul of flesh with every ounce of strength within my being, and I will "keep" following Christ.



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Link to a letter from Margie Zacharias, written to her family and posted to Nathaniel Zacharias' website

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