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Trouble in the Amen Corner


Twas a stylish congregation, that of Theophrastus Brown, and its organ was the finest and the biggest in the town;

and the chorus - all the papers favorably commented on it, for 'twas said each female member had a forty-dollar bonnet.

Now in the "amen corner" of the church sat Brother Eyer, who persisted every Sabbath day in singing with the choir.

He was poor, but genteel looking, and his heart as snow was white, and his face beamed with sweetness when he sung with all his might.

His voice was crac

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The Lone Goose


September 2, 2012

A lone goose calls out from the foggy dawn of the small lake this morning.  There is a pale eeriness to its desperate plea for response.  With each pause, silence is returned.   A few feet away, Autumn Trail preens his iridescent and white feathers.  An unusually handsome Muscovy Duck, Autumn Trail has found company with the lone Canada Goose.


Canada Geese have been abundant this summer, and from these bounteous beings spring the cutest little tutu tailed goslings.  Week by w

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Ms Mary - I See You

4506031229?profile=RESIZE_400xMost people become irritated at the animated gym clip that pops up when Microsoft Word is opened.  But I am not like most people; I kinda like the little guy.  Those large animated eyes entertain me.  The ever-so-slight movements keep my mind actively searching for the following word or phrase just so that I can see what he is going to do next.  Right now, he sits on a document smiling directly at me, occasionally glancing towards my document while scratching the top of his little gym clip head.

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The Frozen Frost-free Frig

The frost-free refrigerator freezer had a ¼ inch layer of frost covering the back panel of the freezer section.  Water dropped from inside one corner of the open freezer door, splashing against my foot as it fell to the floor beneath it.  I stood dumbfounded, gazing into the open freezer where frozen foods were now beginning to thaw.  Feeling broadsided once again, I closed the freezer door.  Plopping down onto the kitchen stool I heard myself helplessly utter: “Do you think I could get a break?

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His Name Is Yahoo!

Have you ever encountered a truly meek and innocent spirit in life?  I have.  Once you encounter one, you will be forever changed.  Now this particular spirit is not without her own personal foibles in life; however, she has learned and continues to learn how to move forward in the spirit of Truth, with grace.  This particular spirit I refer to is my sister.


One warm summer afternoon, Deb and I were engaged in a deep and thought provoking cell phone dialogue concerning God and His many attribu

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Several years ago, I had the honor of sharing in the lives of some very special children in a densely populated area of a large southern city. Primarily poor minority communities shaped these secluded ghettos shrouded by interstates and skyrise structures. Tiny deteriorating wood framed houses and brick duplexes occupied almost every foot of city plot. Young men and women clustered together in small groups on empty lots and behind overfilled trash bins--while dilapidated porches and crumbling si

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Faith's Hope Is Love


I'm holding to hope,      

and hope has a name,

it isn't Mary or Thomas or David or Jane,

Seymore or Thadius or sweet Betty Sue,

Penelope, Woody, Clarissa Magoo.

Hope is the knowing felt deep in your heart,

when the odds are against you and you grope in the dark.

And you can't see the forest for towering trees,

And  you fall over obstacles, skinning both knees.

Hope is the offspring of Faith, Noah's dove.

Her Father is Grace.

So that makes her - Love.


I penned these simple child-like words in 1999 fol

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 When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2Chronicles  7:13-14  (ESV)



☆An important message from Jonathan Cahn☆

 Pray Pray Pray and fast. Call an assembly and seek YHWH God's face! Time is short. Redeem t

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My Daily Bread


You instructed us to pray

“Give us, this day, our Daily Bread”

Heavenly Manna

My allowance of Daily Bread appears but a morsel

 Compared to the increase of the loaves of another

My Daily Bread smells stale, putrid

In light of another’s fragrant loaf

My Daily Bread presents hard and crumbly

Aside the lightly dense, velvety loaf of another


Heavenly Father

You have supplied my Daily Bread

You have determined its




You have set me at your table

You have prepared a feast for me

You have told

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Help My Unbelief


The bold letters on the radiant floral backdrop of the new calendar gently beckon me:


With heavy hearted uncertainty my spirit responds:

help my unbelief


*Believe!* image copyright of Hope - of Hope's Hollow in partnership with


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Suffering's Child


My neighbour was raped by her present husband’s father
 when she was twelve years old.

My neighbour was twelve years old when her present husband was married to another woman.

My neighbour’s husband was convicted of child molestation…

his own daughter.

 My neighbour married this man anyway.

My neighbour married a man who is a known child molester.

My neighbour married a man whose father molested her at twelve years of age.

My neighbour …

 I asked her why?

“He is a good man.”

“I have loved him since I was

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Jeethuth idth brownzth!!!


He was the cutest little five year old guy since Casper the Friendly Ghost.  Shy of 35 inches in height and sporting brown leather pointy-toed cowboy boots, he made up lost height with his bold and vibrant personality.  If a question needed asking, he was going to get the job done. 
"Mitt Dahling,  Wat cuhluh idth Jeethuth?"
I had just finished placing the last painted and glittering pinecone turkey on the windowsill of the small church recreation room to dry.  We had Parent Appreciation Day co
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Did I Really Say That?

4363444478?profile=RESIZE_192XAn internationally renowned men's gospel music group had come to my small town.

I was barely 15 at the time and making adjustments in my newest foster home.

There was going to be a special afternoon luncheon with the group, and
 I was invited!

Huge buses with professional logos took up most of the space in the host home driveway. Wow! I had never seen such massive vehicles. I could only imagine what lie just beyond those secretive and guarded bus doors. I envisioned colourful costumes studded in cr
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