Televisions, radios, smart phones, computers and other tech devices are documenting an upset to the normal routines of life all over the world. In the past few months, governments swollen with a sudden sense of authoritarian rule, are lording over its people with fearmongering in what appears to be record speed. Masks, scarves and bandanas now cover the faces that just weeks earlier bore beautifully content smiles. Loving hugs and handshakes are now replaced by floor markers separating flesh
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Every 90 seconds a precious life, created in the image of the One True God, YHWH, is massacred while yet in his/her mother's womb. We can no longer sit back and expect that this infanticide will take care of itself. We must be the voice for the tiny voiceless ones. We MUST! We must pray for these helpless babies and their misinformed parents. We can no longer continue to offer up our children to the fires of Molech, a human erected idol which the Bible refers to as a "strange god". If we cont
Today I present my blemished heart before the Sovereign of sovereigns and stand before Him, fully aware that in my own strength, I am unable to war against the enemy of this world who is called the satan (devil). Not only is he a master of darkness, but he also presents to us camouflaged as light. But I have been given a greater camouflage; I have been given a dazzling yet pummeled suit of armour from my God, that deflects the blinding false light of the satan back into his own eyes, obstructing