Jesus Is Coming Soon!
I thought this would be a good opportunity to start sharing with you some lessons I began sending out in 1996 through a prison ministry. I hope these will be a blessing to you. I pray that God will open your Heart and Spirit to hear His Word to you today!
(KJV)Luke 12:37, 38, 40 "Blessed are those servants whom the Lord when He comes shall find watching; and if He shall come in a second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants. Be ye therefore ready also; for the Son of man comes at an hour when you think not.
While praying to God concerning this lesson, the Holy Spirit spoke these scriptures to me and told me to "Warn them I am coming soon and to be ready"! The signs of the times are all around us and we are truly that blessed generation spoken of in God's Word who will witness the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in His cloud of glory! I earnestly ask you to examine your heart and see if there is anything unpleasant to the Father dwelling within you during these last days. Ask yourself these questions:
Have I done all that God has given me to do? Is my heart and mind fixed on Christ and established in His Word? Am I living the kind of life God would be pleased with? If I should leave this earth right now, will I spend eternity in Heaven or in Hell?
The stage has been set and everyone in their proper place, waiting for their "cue" to begin the last act of the final scene. All is now ready and everything God said in His Word that would take place before the return of His only Son, Jesus Christ, has all been done and in its final stages. But the Lord is still working and calling you out to be separated from the world.
On a few occasions, the Lord has come to me in night visions or special dreams in order to warn me of something fixing to happen. I want to share with you a particular vision God gave me one night concerning His coming.
The vision began with Jesus and I standing together in a large empty room. Jesus was facing me and holding my hands. We slowly danced around in a circle. Jesus didn't speak but smiled and in His smiles, I felt the greatest love, peace, and joy as never before. I didn't want our moment together to ever end. Suddenly, two angels appeared and said, "Master, it's time. The table has been prepared and everything is now ready. We must go; it's time for you to get your bride. The trumpet is about to sound.” Jesus turned to me and said, "Child, I must go now. My time has finally come. Go and be ready for my coming". Then, Jesus and the angels vanished.
When I awoke, I asked God for the reason of this vision and He said, "Be ready for the time of Christ is at hand. Warn others so that they too may be ready to come into my kingdom which has been prepared for them. For many shall refuse and perish".
The hour is at hand; a time when you least expect it. God is urging us to keep watch and make sure our lives are established in His Word. It's time to repent and put away our foolish sins and live our lives for Christ. For, we are not of this world. We are of our Father who created us. I urge you today to turn your life over to Him if you have not and receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Don't get left behind to face the wrath and judgment of God which will be poured out upon the earth during the days of Tribulation spoken of in the book of Revelation. Get ready, the trump of God is about to sound! What will the Lord find you doing when He returns?
1 Thes. 5:2-The day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night.
A Cry In The Dark
by: Crickettt
Can you hear them crying?
Words so loud and clear
Faces all around you
Filled with doubt and fear.
A cry in the dark
But, no one understands
Souls reaching out for someone
To lend a helping hand.
Can you see them hurting?
They have no peace or rest
Hearts once filled with hope
Now filled with emptiness.
A cry in the dark
But, people pass on by
Leaving them alone in tears
While all their hopes run dry.
Can you feel their pain and sorrow?
Hear their desperate cries of fear
Will you reach your heart unto them?
Or will you lend a listening ear.
A cry in the dark
But a hurting heart can mend
If we will share God's love to them
And learn to be a friend.
(TLB)Psalm 9:12--He does not forget the cry of the afflicted (the poor and the humble).
Jeremiah 29:11--For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, they are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
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