Tearing Down the Walls

Tearing Down the Walls


In the book of Joshua chapter 6, a great story unfolds concerning the children of Israel outside the city of Jericho. Surrounding the city was a great wall which kept the children of God from entering their promised land. However, the Lord told Joshua and his army to march around the city once each day for six days and on the seventh day they must march seven times around blowing their trumpets and shouting. They obeyed God and the wall of Jericho fell flat. The children of Israel defeated the enemy and took the wealth of the city with them.

What appeared to be a hopeless situation to the children of Israel, became God's absolute miracle. You see, there is no obstacle too large or impossible for God to destroy out of your path. God has met all our needs according to His riches in Glory through Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:19). With God there are no limits to what he can do.

You may be up against one great wall or even several and you just don't know how you're going to scale it and get safely over to the other side. It seems no matter how hard you try to knock it down; the wall keeps getting stronger and stronger. On your own, you can do nothing, but with God, you can do all things. He will strengthen you with His Word and His promises that say He will never leave you or forsake you. The devil is absolutely "No Match" for God. Christ Jesus defeated him 2,000 years ago when He was resurrected from the dead.

Like the children of Israel, God has given us instructions on which to follow in order to tear down those walls standing in our way of victory and deliverance. It is up to us if we are going to listen to God and be brave enough to step out of our comfort zone and obey Him or if we are going to shrink back and wait until we can muster up enough nerve. Waiting prolongs the inevitable and delays God's plan. When you take time to read, study, and meditate on God's Word, which is your blueprint in life, you will be not only strengthened in might but in wisdom as well. When your spirit within is renewed, the fear and everything else inside is no longer the bondage that has held you back from your promised land. You will be equipped to fight against the strongholds by speaking and confessing God's Word in every situation. You will see the walls fall down as you step out in faith and shout to the walls in Praise and Worship to Almighty God.

Whatever that wall may be, God will deliver if you put your trust in Him. Sometimes, we build up walls around ourselves in order to keep out the possibility of rejection, pain, bad memories, fear, mistakes or failures. Those walls not only harbor unnecessary suffering, it also prevents us from allowing God to do His perfect work in us and through us for His Glory.

It's time to turn it all over to God and watch Him turn things around for your good. God desires to give you favor in all things and in all abundance. He wants your life to be filled with His goodness so that you will have joy. It's time to walk around those walls with your trumpets, shouting in Faith and watch them fall flat by the power of God. You must see God for who He is, the Alpha and Omega-the Beginning and the Ending.

Stand up and shout, your walls are "tumbling down"!  God is with you just as He was with Joshua. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. It's time to rise up and tear down those walls!

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