Still in the Master's Plan

Jeremiah 29:11--For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (NIV)

Proverbs 16:9--A man's heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. (NKJV)

Psalm 20:4--May He grant you according to your heart's desire, And fulfill all your purpose. (NKJV)

Still in the Master's Plan

By Crickettt

Have you ever struggled back and forth with yourself wondering, what is God's plan for my life or am I already walking in His plan?  Some people seem to know what they are supposed to do with their life, while others have no clue.  I can remember as a child, the teacher would ask us, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Honestly, I never really knew what to say to her at that time and as the years went by, that same question would pop up in my head leaving me frustrated and pondering once again.

I grew up through some really difficult situations that left me feeling worthless and not good enough to be used by God.  I found myself questioning God about His plan for my life and if He could use someone like me.  My struggles became more like a roller coaster ride.  One minute, I felt disappointed, alone, and confused with the way my life was going.  Then, the next minute, something would change and everything seemed great.  However, that didn't last long because it would change once again and I was back and forth trying to figure out what was going on.  I really didn't know what I was supposed to do.  I knew that I wanted to serve God and help others, but I was making my own choices and doing things my way instead of letting God guide me. Once I let go and asked the Holy Spirit to take over, everything began to flow together.  When I was studying His Word, He would impress upon my heart things He wanted to say and I would write them down.  That is where all my lessons and other writings came from.  Then, when He felt I was ready, He opened all the doors and outlets for me to share what He wanted others to know as well.  We are all His instruments for use when we are willing to let God use us. 
I believe a lot of people experience struggles in their relationship with God.  We are learning how to put our complete trust in Him, recognizing that He is the Master Planner of our lives.  The Bible teaches that without God we can do nothing.  The Bible also says, we are not all called to be teachers, prophets, ministers, etc., but we are all given specific gifts that we can use to bring others to Christ in different ways. God can use whoever He chooses to make a difference.  I found His will in my life by listening to the Holy Spirit.  He would teach me as I was reading my Bible and then I would write down what He wanted to say, so I could share it with others.  I know that no matter how many mistakes I make or whether I feel worthy enough, God can take all my brokenness and use it to touch other peoples lives who are also broken and questioning their own life.  We are all still in the Master's Plan and He has made each of us unique.  No one else can fulfill the Plan He has made for us.  His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.  God sees beyond what we can even see for ourselves.  So, the next time you are feeling worthless or unworthy of God and His love for you....think again!  You are Still in the Master's Plan.

Still in the Master's Plan
by Crickettt

So many trials along life's narrow way
Times when I found it hard to face another day
Emptiness and pain that I could not understand
Not knowing I was still in the Master's plan.

Re-living the past with each new passing day
My heart soon sank and fell within life's weary way
Oppressed and discouraged I called out His name
Not knowing if my life would ever be the same.

Oh, my Lord, how great you've been to me
A soul once living in darkness now has been set free
Never will I forget your precious words of love
For when I knelt in pain you were watching from above.

There in desperation I sought your holy face
To know much more about you and why you took my place
That which lies before me no one can see me through
But you 'Oh God have always known the things that I must do.

Still so many trials along life's rocky way
Times when I find it hard to face another day
Emptiness arises that I try to understand
But reassuringly I know, I am still in the Master's plan.

Philippians 1:6-And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Jesus Christ returns.

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