The Silent Heart

The Silent Heart


Matthew 11:28-30-Come unto me, all you that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly of heart: and you shall find rest for your souls.  For, my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Matthew 6:33-But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Isaiah 59:1-Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

There is a place inside each one of us where only God can break through.  It is deep inside our silent hearts that God can work in us, speak to us, and fill us with His very presence.  The silent heart waits patiently to hear God's voice, while waiting for His next move in our lives.  We ask Him to show us the way, so we can once again place it all in His hands and enjoy living again.  He whispers back so softly, touching our most inner being, drawing us unto Himself and giving us hope.  We all have dark places that we struggle through and often times, find it difficult to escape.  We are always wishing for a quick fix to the problems that arise.  We keep wanting it all to just go away and never return so it doesn't have to hurt any longer.  At other times, we find ourselves crying out in desperation, "Does anybody hear me?"  "Can you see my pain?"  "God, where are you in all of this?"  "Why are you letting this happen to me?"

There is so much we do not fully understand, nor the reasoning behind all the confusion it has caused.

However my friend, there is good news and hope for all who put their trust in God.  He is our Sanctuary!  The place where we are truly loved unconditionally.  The place where we can go to find the rest we need and the peace in our hearts to get through another day.  The quiet place we can run to when we are in our darkest moments.  These are the times when the Spirit says, "Come, be still and know that I Am God."

Are you struggling today? Or, Are you so busy thinking about what you need to do next, that your mind drifts away from God?  Maybe you are consumed with all the trials you are going through right now.  Or, You may already be at a good place in your life and enjoying everything around you, but forgetting who gave these good moments of refreshing to you.

Jesus has been speaking to your heart, urging you to take out that time.  Walk away from whatever you are doing and let your heart be silent for a while to hear His voice. He wants to tell you how much you are loved and cared for.  He wants to tell you He understands what you are going through.  But most of all, Jesus wants to speak to your silent heart and give you rest.  He will never leave you or forsake you, even during the most difficult times.  Then, you will be able to see clearly what it is God wants you to do.  He has so much to say to us if only we would take the time to be silent and meditate on Him.  He truly wants to give you joy in the middle of your pain and suffering;  to bless you even when you feel like it is just too impossible.  God wants to wrap His loving arms around you and let you know it is all going to be o.k. and He has it all under control.  We have to finally learn how to let go.

Jesus would often go away from His disciples to be alone.  When He went off to pray, that was the time He drew strength from the Father.  He knew the days ahead would be filled with darkness and pain. He knew that by letting His heart be silent for a while, He could hear what the Father was saying and what He needed to do.  

Jesus is calling us to do the same thing.  The Bible speaks repeatedly about the importance of having daily communication with God through prayer, reading His Word, and by just being silent for awhile to listen for His voice. There is peace in the stillness of our hearts as we go to God searching to know Him in His fullness. Our spirits are renewed, our minds cleared away, and our hearts made whole in the presence of God.

Today, take some time for yourself and be still and let your heart be silent.  Pray and ask God to refresh you and give you peace so you can listen for His voice.  Enjoy that quiet time and reflect on all His goodness in your life.  Thank Him for everything and to show you His will for your life.  Those moments alone with God, will direct you and refresh your soul.

Psalm 34:17-The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.

Scriptures taken from King James and Living Bible

©Copyright 2019-Crickettt’s Sanctuary/Author- “Crickettt”. All Rights Reserved.  All written materials in personal blogs, websites or network pages cannot be used, reproduced, copied to a CD, sold and distributed or altered in any way without permission from the owner. Thanks for your cooperation and God Bless.









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