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A Warning to Come

"A Warning to Come"

By Crickettt

 This was a word given to me one day when I was praying.  I was commanded to stop and write it down for others to hear.  There was an urgency in the way it was spoken to my heart.  The end times that Jesus spoke about in His Word is drawing closer now than ever before.  Look around you, the signs are being fulfilled in rapid succession.

 This is the Word I was given:

"Hear My voice today, for I come to You. Wake up your spiritual man, you who desire of Me. The time i

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God is Not Shaken

God Is Not Shaken



It's so easy to just want to give up when you've struggled so much. You stand there in your Faith waiting on God to change things. And just when you think it's all going to be o.k., and the storm is over, that same storm raises its ugly head to taunt you once again. "What happened? I don't understand. I thought I did everything I knew to do?" "Why is this happening again? How much more can I take?"

The Bible says in II Corinthians 4:8-9-"We are troubled on every side

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